Programming high-performance applications on the Cell BE processor, Part 3: Meet the synergistic processing unit

Continue looking in depth at the Cell Broadband Engine™ (Cell BE) processor's synergistic processor elements (SPEs) and how they work at the lowest level. This installment explores storage alignment issues and the communication facilities of the SPEs.

Non-aligned loads and stores

Because the synergistic processing unit (SPU) is focused on vector, not scalar, processing, it is only able to load and store 16 bytes at a time (the size of a register) from local store locations which are aligned on 16-byte boundaries. Therefore, you cannot just load a word from, say, memory location 12. To get that word, you would need to load a quadword from memory location 0, and then shift the bits so that the value you want is in the preferred slot. The original quadword must be loaded, the appropriate value inserted into the right location in the quadword, and then the result stored back. Because of these issues, it is usually advisable to store all data aligned to 16 bytes. To load a value which crosses a 16-byte boundary is even more difficult, as you would actually have to load it into two registers, shift them, and then mask and combine them. Storing such values is even more difficult, so it is best to never use values that cross 16-byte boundaries.

While it allows you to use data that is not aligned to 16-byte boundaries, the loading and storing technique I will discuss requires that the data be naturally aligned to prevent it from crossing the 16-byte boundary. That means that words will be 4-byte aligned, halfwords will be 2-byte aligned, and bytes don't have to be aligned at all.

Doing an unaligned load requires two or three instructions, depending on the size of the data. The reason for this is that if you are loading a single value, you probably want it in the preferred slot of the register. The first instruction does the load and the second instruction rotates the value so that the requested address is at the beginning of the register. Then, if the data is smaller than a word, a shift is needed to move it away from the beginning into the preferred slot (if it is a word or a doubleword, the beginning of the register is the preferred slot). Here is the code for a byte load, which takes an address in the preferred slot of register 3 and uses it to load a byte into the preferred slot of register 4:

Listing 3. Load from non-aligned memory
###Load byte unaligned address $3 into preferred slot of register $4###

#Loads from nearest quadword boundary
lqd $4, 0($3)
#Rotate value to the beginning of the register
rotqby $4, $4, $3
#Rotate value to the preferred slot (-3 for bytes, -2 for halfwords, and nothing for
words or doublewords)
rotqbyi $4, $4, -3

Remember, the lqd instruction only loads from 16-byte boundaries. It will therefore ignore the four least significant bits during the load, and just load an aligned quadword from memory. Therefore, for arbitrary addresses, we have no idea where in the loaded quadword the value we wanted is. The rotqby instruction, "rotate (left) quadword by bytes," uses the address you loaded from to indicate how far to rotate the register. It only uses the least four significant bits of the address in the register (the ones ignored by the load) to determine how far to rotate. This will always be the number of bytes it needs to shift left to move the address specified to the beginning of the register. Finally, for bytes, the preferred slot is not at the beginning of the register, but three bytes to the right. So the instruction rotqbyi does a shift using an immediate-mode value to shift by. Word- and doubleword-sized transfers do not need this last instruction, because their preferred slot is at the beginning of the register anyway. At the end of this, register 4 has the final value, with the byte shifted into the preferred slot.

Storing is more difficult. Here is the code to store a byte that is in the preferred slot of register $4 into the address specified by register $3:

Listing 4. Store to non-aligned address
###Store preferred byte slot $4 into unaligned address $3

#Load the data into a temporary register
lqd $5, 0($3)
#Generate the controls for a byte insertion
cbd $6, 0($3)
#Shuffle the data in
shufb $7, $4, $5, $6
#Store it back
stqd $7, 0($3)

To understand this cryptic-looking sequence, again keep in mind that the SPU only does loads and stores a quadword at a time, on quadword-aligned addresses. Therefore, if you want to store only one byte, if you tried to do it directly on an unaligned address, it would both go into the wrong location and clobber the remaining bytes in the quadword. To avoid this, you need to first load the quadword from memory, insert the value into the appropriate byte in the quadword, and then store it back. The hard part is inserting it into the proper location based only on the address. Thankfully, two instructions help out, cbd ("generate control for byte insertion") and shufb ("shuffle bytes"). The cbd instruction takes an address and generates a control word that can be used by shufb to insert a byte at the proper location in the quadword for that address. cbd $6, 0($3) uses the address in register 3 to generate the control quadword, and then stores it in register 6. The instruction shufb $7, $4, $5, $6 uses the control quadword in register 6 to generate a new value into register 7 which consists of the original quadword that was in memory (now in register 5) and a byte from register 4 in the preferred slot, and stores the result in register 7. Once the byte is shuffled in, the value is stored back into memory.

To illustrate the technique, I'll write a function that takes the address of an ASCII character, loads it, converts it to uppercase, and stores it back. I'll put the function convert_to_upper in a separate file from the main function so that I can reuse it in another program later on. Here is the code for the main function (save it as convert_main.s):

Listing 5. Uppercase conversion program start

.ascii "We will convert the following letter, "
.ascii "q"
.ascii ", to uppercase\n\0"

.global main
.type main, @function

.equ LR_OFFSET, 16
stqd $lr, LR_OFFSET($sp)
stqd $sp, -MAIN_FRAME_SIZE($sp)
ai $sp, $sp, -MAIN_FRAME_SIZE

ila $3, letter_to_convert
brsl $lr, convert_to_upper
ila $3, string_start
brsl $lr, printf

ai $sp, $sp, MAIN_FRAME_SIZE
lqd $lr, LR_OFFSET($sp)
bi $lr

Now enter the function that actually does the uppercase conversion (enter as convert_to_upper.s):

Listing 6. Function to convert to uppercase
.global convert_to_upper
.type convert_to_upper, @function
#Register usage
# $3 - parameter 1 -- address of byte to be converted
# $4 - byte value to be converted
# $5 - $4 greater than 'a' - 1?
# $6 - $4 greater than 'z'?
# $7 - $4 less than or equal to 'z'?
# $8 - $4 between 'a' and 'z' (inclusive)?
# $9 through $12 - temporary storage for final store
# $13 - conversion factor

#address of letter stored in unaligned address in $3
lqd $4, 0($3)
rotqby $4, $4, $3
rotqbyi $4, $4, -3

#IS IN RANGE 'a'-'z'?
cgtbi $5, $4, 'a' - 1
cgtbi $6, $4, 'z'
nand $7, $6, $6
and $8, $5, $7
#Mask out irrelevant bits
andi $8, $8, 255
#Skip uppercase conversion and store if $4 is not lowercase (based on $8)
brz $8, end_convert

#Perform Conversion
il $13, 'a' - 'A'
absdb $4, $4, $13

#Unaligned Store
lqd $9, 0($3)
cbd $10, 0($3)
shufb $11, $4, $9, $10
stqd $11, 0($3)

#no stack frame, no return value, just return
bi $lr

To compile and run, perform the following commands:

spu-gcc convert_main.s convert_to_upper.s -o convert

The main function doesn't function too differently than before, so I won't discuss it here. Note, however, that it is passing the address of the letter to convert_to_upper, not the letter itself.

The convert_to_upper function takes the address of an arbitrary character, converts it to uppercase, and then stores it back and returns nothing. It never calls another function, so it doesn't need a stack frame.

The first thing the function does is an unaligned load as described previously into register 4. It then checks to see if the byte is in the range a through z. It does that by comparing if it is greater than 'a' - 1, and then seeing if it is greater than 'z.' I did not do a "less than" comparison, because they aren't available on the SPU! SPUs only have comparisons for "greater than" and "equal to." Therefore, if you want to do a "less than or equal to" comparison, you must do a "greater than" comparison and then do a "not" on it, which is performed using the nand instruction with both source arguments being the same register. You then combine the comparisons using the and instruction (note that you could have combined all the logical instructions into one with an xor, but the code would have been much less clear). Finally, because the branch instructions only operate on halfword or word values, you have to mask out the non-relevant portions of the register. (I didn't have to do that in the factorial example because I was dealing with a full word).

If the bits in the preferred slot of register 8 are all set to false, you skip to the end of the function. If they are true, you perform the conversion. The only byte-oriented arithmetic function on the SPU is absdb, "absolute difference of bytes," which gives the absolute value of the difference between two operands. You use that, combined with the difference between the lowercase and uppercase values, to perform the conversion. Finally, you perform an unaligned store. Since you did not call any functions or use any local storage, you did not need a stack frame at all, so you can now just exit through the link register.

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Communication with the PPE

So far I have concentrated on SPE-only programs. Now I will look into PPE-controlled programs, and for that, I need to know how to get the PPE and the SPE to communicate.

Channels and the MFC

Remember that SPEs have a memory that is separate from the processor's main memory, called the local store. The SPE cannot read main memory directly, but instead must import and export data between the local store and main memory using DMA commands to a unit called the memory flow controller, or MFC. The local store address space is limited to 32 bits, but it is usually much smaller (in the Sony® PLAYSTATION® 3, for instance, it is only 18 bits). The reason for this is so that memory accesses by SPE code can be deterministic. Main memory can get swapped out, moved around, cached, uncached, or memory mapped. Therefore, the amount of time required for any particular memory access is completely unknown (if the memory is swapped out, who knows how long it will take). By separating out the SPE memory into a local store, the SPE can have a deterministic access time for any memory it accesses, and schedule the MFC to asynchronously move data in and out of main memory as needed. Addresses within an SPE's local store are called local store addresses (LSAs), while addresses within the main memory are called effective addresses (EAs). This will be important as you learn how to use the memory flow controller's DMA facilities.

SPEs communicate with the outside world by using channels. A channel is a 32-bit area which can be written to or read from (but not both -- they are unidirectional) using special instructions. A channel can also have a depth, or channel count. The channel count is the amount of data waiting to be read (for read channels), or the amount of data which can still be written (for write channels). Channels are used for all SPE input and output. They are used for issuing DMA commands to the memory flow controller, handling SPE events, and reading and writing messages to and from the PPE. The next program I'll show you utilizes the MFC and the channel interface to do character conversions on data specified by the PPE.

Creating and running SPE tasks

So far, the main function has not been using any parameters. However, when it is run from a PPE program, it actually receives three 64-bit parameters -- the SPE task identifier in register 3, a pointer to application parameters in register 4, and a pointer to runtime environment information in register 5. The contents of the areas pointed to by application and environment pointers are actually user-defined. However, remember that they point to memory in the main storage of the application (an effective address), not to the SPE's local store. Therefore, they cannot be accessed directly, but must be moved in through DMA.

SPE tasks are created with the function speid_t spe_create_thread(spe_gid_t spe_gid, spe_program_handle_t *spe_program_handle, void *argp, void *envp, unsigned long mask, int flags). The parameters work as follows:

  • spe_gid
    This is the SPE thread group to assign this task to. It can simply be set to zero.
  • spe_program_handle
    This is a pointer to a structure which holds the data about the SPE program itself. This data is normally defined either automatically by embedding an SPU application within a PPU executable (this will be shown later), by using dlopen()/dlsym() on a library containing an SPU application, or by using spe_open_image() to directly load an SPU application.
  • argp
    This is a pointer to application-specific data for program initialization. Set to null if it is not going to be used.
  • envp
    This is a pointer to environment data for the program. Set to null if it is not going to be used.
  • mask
    This is the processor affinity mask. Set it to -1 to assign the process to any available SPE. Otherwise, it contains a bitmask for each available processor. 1 means that the processor should be used, 0 means that it should not. Most applications set this to -1.
  • flags
    This is a set of bit flags which modify how the SPE is set up. These are all outside the scope of this article.

A PPE/SPE program using DMA

As an example of DMA communication, I will write a program where the PPE takes a string, and invokes an SPE program which copies over the string, converts it to uppercase, and copies it back into main storage. All of the data transfers will use the MFC's DMA facilities, controlled through SPE channels.

The main SPE program will receive an effective address pointer to a struct containing the size and pointer of a string in main memory. It will then copy it into its buffer, perform the conversion, and copy it back. Here is the SPE code (enter as convert_dma_main.s):

Listing 7. SPU code to perform uppercase conversion for PPU program

.align 4
.octa 0
.octa 0

.section .bss #Uninitialized Data Section
.align 4
.lcomm conversion_buffer, 16384

.global main
.type main, @function

#MFC Constants
.equ MFC_GET_CMD, 0x40
.equ MFC_PUT_CMD, 0x20

#Stack Frame Constants
.equ LR_OFFSET, 16

stqd $lr, LR_OFFSET($sp)
stqd $sp, -MAIN_FRAME_SIZE($sp)
ai $sp, $sp, -MAIN_FRAME_SIZE

#Save Registers
#Save register $127 (will be used for current index)
stqd $127, MAIN_REG_SAVE_OFFSET($sp)
#Save register $126 (will be used for base pointer)
stqd $126, MAIN_REG_SAVE_OFFSET+16($sp)
#Save register $125 (will be used for final size)
stqd $125, MAIN_REG_SAVE_OFFSET+24($sp)

ila $3, conversion_info #Local Store Address
#register 4 already has address #64-bit Effective Address
il $5, CONVERSION_STRUCT_SIZE #Transfer size
il $6, 0 #DMA Tag
il $7, MFC_GET_CMD #DMA Command
brsl $lr, perform_dma

#Wait for DMA to complete
il $3, 0
brsl $lr, wait_for_dma_completion

#Load buffer data pointer
ila $3, conversion_buffer #Local Store
lqr $4, conversion_data #64-bit Effective Address
lqr $5, conversion_length #SIZE
il $6, 0 #DMA Tag
il $7, MFC_GET_CMD #DMA Command
brsl $lr, perform_dma

#Wait for DMA to complete
il $3, 0
brsl $lr, wait_for_dma_completion

#Load buffer size
lqr $125, conversion_length
#Load buffer pointer
ila $126, conversion_buffer
#Load buffer index
il $127, 0
ceq $7, $125, $127
brnz $7, loop_end

#Compute address for function parameter
a $3, $127, $126
#Next index
ai $127, $127, 1

#Run function
brsl $lr, convert_to_upper

#Repeat loop
br loop

#Copy data back
ila $3, conversion_buffer #Local Store Address
lqr $4, conversion_data #64-bit effective address
lqr $5, conversion_length #Size
il $6, 0 #DMA Tag
il $7, MFC_PUT_CMD #DMA Command
brsl $lr, perform_dma

#Wait for DMA to complete
il $3, 0
brsl $lr, wait_for_dma_completion

#Return Value
il $3, 0

ai $sp, $sp, MAIN_FRAME_SIZE
lqd $lr, LR_OFFSET($sp)
bi $lr

This code relies on some utility functions for handling DMA commands. Enter those functions as dma_utils.s:

Listing 8. DMA transferring utilities
#Parameters - Local Store Address, 64-bit Effective Address, Transfer Size,
DMA Tag, DMA Command
.global perform_dma
.type perform_dma, @function
shlqbyi $9, $4, 4 #Get the low-order 32-bits of the address
wrch $MFC_LSA, $3
wrch $MFC_EAH, $4
wrch $MFC_EAL, $9
wrch $MFC_Size, $5
wrch $MFC_TagID, $6
wrch $MFC_Cmd, $7
bi $lr

.global wait_for_dma_completion
.type wait_for_dma_completion, @function
#We receive a tag in register 3 - convert to a tag mask
il $4, 1
shl $4, $4, $3
wrch $MFC_WrTagMask, $4
#Tell the DMA that we only want it to inform us on DMA completion
il $5, 2
wrch $MFC_WrTagUpdate, $5
#Wait for DMA Completion, and store the result in the return value
rdch $3, $MFC_RdTagStat
bi $lr

Now, not only do you need to compile this program, you need to prepare it for embedding in a PPE application. Assuming you still have the convert_to_upper.s from your last program in the current directory, here are the commands to compile the code and prepare it for embedding:

spu-gcc convert_dma_main.s dma_utils.s convert_to_upper.s -o spe_convert
embedspu -m64 convert_to_upper_handle spe_convert spe_convert_csf.o

This produces what is called a CESOF Linkable, which allows an object file for the SPE to be embedded in a PPE application and loaded as needed.

Here is the PPU code to make use of the SPU code (enter as ppu_dma_main.c):

Listing 9. PPU code to utilize SPU application

/* embedspu actually defines this in the generated object file,
we only need an extern reference here */
extern spe_program_handle_t convert_to_upper_handle;

/* This is the parameter structure that our SPE code expects */
/* Note the alignment on all of the data that will be passed to the SPE is 16-bytes */
typedef struct {
int length __attribute__((aligned(16)));
unsigned long long data __attribute__((aligned(16)));
} conversion_structure;

int main() {
int status = 0;
/* Pad string to a quadword -- there are 12 spaces at the end. */
char *tmp_str = "This is the string we want to convert to uppercase. ";
/* Copy it to an aligned boundary */
char *str = memalign(16, strlen(tmp_str) + 1);
strcpy(str, tmp_str);
/* Create conversion structure on an aligned boundary */
conversion_structure conversion_info __attribute__((aligned(16)));

/* Set the data elements in the parameter structure */
conversion_info.length = strlen(str) + 1; /* add one for null byte */ = (unsigned long long)str;

/* Create the thread and check for errors */
speid_t spe_id = spe_create_thread(0, &convert_to_upper_handle,
&conversion_info, NULL, -1, 0);
if(spe_id == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create SPE thread: errno=%d\n", errno);
return 1;

/* Wait for SPE thread completion */
spe_wait(spe_id, &status, 0);

/* Print out result */
printf("The converted string is: %s\n", str);

return 0;

To build and execute the program, enter the following commands:

gcc -m64 spe_convert_csf.o ppu_dma_main.c -lspe -o dma_convert

A lot of things are going on in this code, and my goal is to introduce all of the necessary foundational material so that we don't get bogged down in it when learning optimization secrets in the next article. (Stay with me, and you'll be on your way to expert SPU programming in no time!) Now, I'll explain what the code is doing. I'll start with the PPU code, since it's a little easier.

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The first interesting part of the PPU code is the inclusion of the libspe.h header file, which contains all of the function declarations for running programs on the SPE. It then references a handle called convert_to_upper_handle. This is only an extern reference, not the declaration itself. This is because convert_to_upper_handle is defined in spe_convert_csf.o. The name of the variable was set on the command line of the embedspu command. That variable is the handle to the program code, which will be used to create your SPE tasks.

Next, you define the structure that will be used as the parameter to your SPE program. You need the length of the string and the pointer to the string itself. These all need to be quadword aligned, so that you can copy it into your main program and use the values with DMA transfers. Note that the pointer you used is declared an unsigned long long rather than just a pointer. This is so that the address transfer is stored the same way whether it is compiled in 32-bit mode or 64-bit mode. With a pointer, if it were compiled in 32-bit mode, the pointer would be aligned differently within the structure. You also have to use the memalign function and strcpy to copy the data into an area of appropriate alignment. Here's a pointer from long nights of trial and error with this stuff: If you are continually receiving a "bus error," you are probably doing a DMA transfer that is either not 16-byte aligned or is not a multiple of 16 bytes.

In the main program, you declare your variables. Note that all of the declared variables which will be copied using DMA are aligned on quadword boundaries and are multiples of quadwords. That's because DMA transfers, with a few exceptions for small transfers, must be quadword aligned in both the source and destination addresses (the program will get even better performance if both source and destination are 128-byte aligned). Next, the SPE task is created with spe_create_thread, passing in your parameter structure. Now you can just wait for the SPE task to complete using spe_wait, and then print out the final value. As you may have guessed, most of the interesting parts of the program are taking place on the SPE, including all of the DMA transfers. DMA transfers are almost always done by the SPEs rather than by the PPE because they can handle much more data and many more active DMA operations than the PPE.

Before getting into the details of the main program, I'll explore the DMA utility functions. The first function is perform_dma, which, not surprisingly, performs DMA commands. The Cell BE Handbook defines the sequence of channel operations needed to perform a DMA transfer on pages 450-456 (see Resources). The first thing the function is doing is converting the 64-bit effective address in register 4 into two 32-bit components -- a high- and a low-order component (remember, the channels are only 32 bits wide). Because channels are written using a register's preferred word-sized slot, the 64-bit address already has the high-order bits in the preferred slot. Therefore, you just shift the contents to the left by four bytes into a new register to get the low-order bits in the preferred slot. You then write the local store address, the high-order bits of the effective address, the low-order bits of the effective address, the size of the transfer, the "tag" of the DMA command, and then the command itself to their appropriate channels using the wrch instruction. When the command is written, the DMA request is enqueued into the MFC provided it has available slots -- yours certainly does as you are not doing any other concurrent DMA requests. The "tag" is a number which can be assigned to one or many DMA commands. All DMA commands issued with the same tag are considered a single group, and status updates and sequencing operations apply to the group as a whole. In this application, you will only have one DMA command active at a time, so all of your operations will use 0 as the DMA tag. The DMA command should be either MFC_GET_CMD or MFC_PUT_CMD. There are others, but we aren't concerned with them here. MFC commands are all done from the perspective of the SPE, whether or not it is actually the SPE issuing the command. So MFC_GET_CMD moves data from main memory to the local store, and MFC_PUT_CMD goes the other way.

Because DMA commands are asynchronous, it is useful to be able to wait for one to complete. The function wait_for_dma_completion does precisely that. It takes a tag as its only parameter, converts it to a tag mask, requests a DMA status, and then reads the status. So how does this wait for the DMA operation to complete? When writing to the $MFC_WrTagUpdate channel with a value of 2, it causes the $MFC_RdTagStat to not have a value until the operation is completed. Thus, when you try to read the channel using rdch, it will block until the status is available, at which point the transfer will be complete.

Now, moving on to the actual program itself. The first thing our SPE program does is reserve space for the application's parameter data. This is also aligned to quadword boundaries (.align 4 in assembly language works the same as __attribute__((aligned(16))) in C because 2^4 = 16). .octa reserves quadword values (the mnemonic is a holdover from 16-bit days). You then define a constant CONVERSION_STRUCT_SIZE for the size of the whole structure.

After this, you go to the .bss section, which is like the .data section, except that the executable itself does not contain the values, it just notes how much space should be reserved for them. This section is for uninitialized data. .lcomm conversion_buffer, 16384 reserves 16K of space, with the starting address defined in the symbol conversion_buffer. It is defined for holding 16K because that is the maximum size of an MFC DMA transfer. Therefore, if any string is longer than that, the PPE will have to invoke the program multiple times (a better program would simply break up the request into chunks on the SPE side).

The main function has the main meat of the program. It starts by setting up a stack frame. It then saves three non-volatile registers that will be used for the main control of the program. Next, it performs a DMA transfer to copy in the parameter structure from the PPE. Remember, the first parameter to the function is the 64-bit address that was passed in from the PPE. You then use a DMA command to fetch the full structure, and wait for the DMA to complete. After the transfer, you use the data in that structure to copy the string itself into your buffer in the local store using another DMA transfer, and wait for it to complete. Note that you used the ila instruction ("immediate load address") to load the address of the buffer. The ila instruction maxes out as 18 bits, which works for the PLAYSTATION 3. However, if a Cell BE processor has a larger local store size, you would load it instead with the following two instructions:

ilhu $3, conversion_buffer@h #load high-order 16 bits of conversion_buffer
iohu $3, conversion_buffer@l #"or" it with the low-order 16 bits of conversion_buffer

Then the target effective address, the length of the string, the DMA tag, and a MFC_GET_CMD DMA command are all passed to perform_dma. The program then waits for the operation to complete.

At this point, all of the data is loaded in and you just need to convert it. You then use register 127 as your loop counter and register 126 as your base pointer, and perform convert_to_upper on each value until you get to the end of the buffer.

At loop_end, all of the data is converted, and you need only to copy it back. You use the same DMA parameters as for the last transfer, but this time it is an MFC_PUT_CMD command. Once the DMA is completed, your function is done. You load register 3 with the return value and perform the function epilogue to restore the stack frame and return.

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SPE/PPE communication using mailboxes

While DMA transfers are an excellent way of moving bulk data between the SPE and the PPE, another simpler method for smaller transfers which I will briefly discuss is mailboxes. For the SPE, it is simply a set of channels (a read channel and a write channel) to write 32-bit values to the PPE.

To demonstrate the concept, I will write a very simple SPE server which waits for an unsigned integer number in the mailbox and then writes back the square of that number. Here is the code (enter as square_server.s):

Listing 10. SPU squaring server
.global main
.type main, @function
#Read the value from the inbox (stalls if no value until one is available)
rdch $3, $SPU_RdInMbox
#Square the value
mpyu $3, $3, $3
#Write the value back
wrch $SPU_WrOutMbox, $3
#Go back and do it again
br main

That's all! This will just sit around and wait for requests and process them. It simply quits when the parent program quits. And, if there is no value available in the inbox, the rdch instruction simply stalls until there is one.

The PPE side isn't much harder (enter as square_client.c):

Listing 11. PPE squaring client

extern spe_program_handle_t square_server_handle;

int main() {
int status = 0;

/* Create SPE thread */
speid_t spe_id = spe_create_thread(0, &square_server_handle, NULL, NULL, -1, 0);
if(spe_id == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create SPE thread!\n");
return 1;

/* Request a square */
spe_write_in_mbox(spe_id, 4);
/* Wait for result to be available */
while(!spe_stat_out_mbox(spe_id)) {}
/* Read and display result */
printf("The square of 4 is %d\n", spe_read_out_mbox(spe_id));

/* Do it again */
spe_write_in_mbox(spe_id, 10);
while(!spe_stat_out_mbox(spe_id)) {}
printf("The square of 10 is %d\n", spe_read_out_mbox(spe_id));

return 0;

To compile and run this program, issue the following commands:

spu-gcc square_server.s -o square_server
embedspu -m64 square_server_handle square_server square_server_csf.o
gcc -m64 square_client.c square_server_csf.o -lspe -o square

The mailboxes, even for the PPE, are named according to the perspective of the SPE. So you write to the inbox and read from the outbox if you are the PPE. Unlike the SPE, the PPE does not stall and wait for a value when it reads or writes. Instead, the program must use spe_stat_out_mbox to wait for a value, and spe_stat_in_mbox to see if there are slots left for writing to the mailbox. You don't use the latter as you only have one value in play at a time.

The real power of mailboxes comes when a program combines the mailbox and the DMA approach. For example, an SPE task can be created which listens for buffer addresses on its mailbox, and then uses that address to pull in all of the data to be processed through DMA.


Thus far, this series has covered the main concepts of assembly language programming on the Cell BE processor of the PLAYSTATION 3 under Linux®. Topics covered include the basic architecture, the syntax of the SPU assembly language, and the primary modes of communication between the SPE and the PPE. The next article looks at how to pump every ounce of performance out of the Cell BE processor SPEs that you can. And later articles will apply this knowledge to SPE programming in C, to make your life just a little bit easier.

Source : IBM


Programming high-performance applications on the Cell BE processor, Part 1: An introduction to Linux on the PLAYSTATION 3

The Sony® PLAYSTATION® 3 (PS3) is the easiest and cheapest way for programmers to get their hands on the new Cell Broadband Engine™ (Cell BE) processor and take it for a drive. Discover what the fuss is all about, how to install Linux® on the PS3, and how to get started developing for the Cell BE processor on the PS3.

The PLAYSTATION 3 is unusual for a gaming console for two reasons. First, it is incredibly more open than any previous console. While most consoles do everything possible to prevent unauthorized games from being playable on their system, the PS3 goes in the other direction, even providing direct support for installing and booting foreign operating systems. Of course, many of the game-related features such as video acceleration are locked out for the third-party operating systems, but this series focuses on more general-purpose and scientific applications anyway.

The real centerpiece for the PS3, however, is its processor -- the Cell Broadband Engine chip (often called the Cell BE chip). The Cell BE architecture is a radical departure from traditional processor designs. The Cell BE processor is a chip consisting of nine processing elements (note the PS3 has one of them disabled, and one of them reserved for system use, leaving seven processing units at your disposal). The main processing element is a fairly standard general-purpose processor. It is a dual-thread Power Architecture™ element, called the Power Processing Element, or PPE for short. The other eight processing elements, however, are a different story.

The other processing elements within the Cell BE are known as Synergistic Processing Elements, or SPEs. Each SPE consists of:

  • A vector processor, called a Synergistic Processing Unit, or SPU
  • A private memory area within the SPU called the local store (the size of this area on the PS3 is 256K)
  • A set of communication channels for dealing with the outside world
  • A set of 128 registers, each 128 bits wide (each register is normally treated as holding four 32-bit values simultaneously)
  • A Memory Flow Controller (MFC) which manages DMA transfers between the SPU's local store and main memory

The SPEs, however, lack most of the general-purpose features that you normally expect in a processor. They are fundamentally incapable of performing normal operating system tasks. They have no virtual memory support, don't have direct access to the computer's RAM, and have extremely limited interrupt support. These processors are wholly concentrated on processing data as quickly as possible.

Therefore, the PPE acts as the resource manager, and the SPEs act as the data crunchers. Programs on the PPE divvy up tasks to the SPEs to accomplish, and then they feed data back and forth to each other.

Connecting together the SPEs, the PPE, and the main memory controller is a bus called the Element Interconnect Bus. This is the main passageway through which data travels.

The most surprising part of this design is that the SPE's 256K local store is not a cache -- it is actually the full amount of memory that an SPE has to work with at a time for both programs and data. This seems like a disadvantage, but it actually gives several advantages:

  • Local store memory accesses are extremely fast compared to main memory accesses.
  • Accesses to local store memory can be predicted down to the clock cycle.
  • Moving data in and out of main memory can be requested asynchronously and predicted ahead of time.

Basically, it has all of the speed advantages of a cache. However, since programs use it directly and explicitly, they can be much smarter about how it is managed. It can request data to be loaded in before it is needed, and then go on to perform other tasks while waiting for the data to be loaded.

While the Cell BE processor has been out for a while in specialized hardware, the PS3 is the first Cell BE-based device that has been affordable and readily available. And, with Linux, anyone who wants to can program it.

It runs Linux? How do I get it on there?

It is unusual for gaming consoles to allow foreign operating systems to be installed on them. Since consoles are usually sold at a loss, they are usually locked down to prevent games from running on them without the publisher paying royalties to the console developer. Sony decided to open up the PS3 console a little bit, and allow third-party operating systems to be installed, with the caveat that they do not get accelerated graphics.

Because of this, you can now install Linux on the PS3. You have to jump through a few hoops, but it definitely works. Terra Soft Solutions has developed Yellow Dog Linux 5 in cooperation with Sony specifically for the PS3. It even offers, uniquely among distributions so far, support for those using it on PS3. Yellow Dog Linux (also known as YDL) has been an exclusively PowerPC-based distribution since its inception, so it was not surprising that Sony contracted it to develop the next version of YDL specifically for the PS3.

See below for instructions on installing the initial release of YDL 5 onto the PS3.

Preparing the PS3

To install Linux, you need several pieces of additional hardware:

  • A display and appropriate cabling
  • A USB keyboard
  • A USB mouse
  • A USB flash drive

On the display, there are a few gotchas to watch for. First of all, the 20GB PS3 only comes with an analog composite RCA plug for attaching to TV-like output devices. You can convert it to VGA through a special cable (see Resources for more information). Unfortunately, this operates only at 576x384. If you want better resolutions, you'll have to use the HDMI port. However, that can lead to additional problems. HDMI can be easily converted to DVI through a cable. So this should be able to be fed to a DVI-compatible monitor, right? Well, no. There is a content-protection protocol called HDCP. When outputting data over the HDMI port, the PS3 will not output any data to non-HDCP-compliant devices. Therefore, unless your monitor is HDCP-compliant, you cannot use it to get digital output from the PS3, and you're stuck with 576x384 (though some have reported higher resolutions using component video output rather than composite).

To prepare the PLAYSTATION 3, perform the following steps:

  1. Connect the ethernet cable to the PS3. Be sure the network has a DHCP server on it.
  2. If this is a fresh-from-the-factory PS3, go through the setup steps as it prompts you on your first bootup, including setting the language, time, and a username for the PS3 system.
  3. Go to Settings, then System Settings, and choose Format Utility.
  4. Select Format Hard Disk, and confirm your selection twice.
  5. Select that you want a Custom partitioning scheme.
  6. Select that you want to Allot 10GB to the Other OS. This will automatically reserve the remaining disk space for the PS3's game operating system. When finished, it will restart the system.
  7. When the system restarts, go to Settings then System Update.
  8. Choose Update via Internet.
  9. Follow the screens for the system update to download and install the latest system updates. Some screens only have cancel buttons, with no instructions on how to move forward. In order to move forward on those screens, use the X button on your controller.
  10. Once the PS3 restarts, it's ready to have Linux installed on it.

Preparing to install

Now you're ready to prepare the Linux side of things. Here are the steps you need to do on your own computer (not the PS3) to prepare for the installation:

  1. Download and burn the YDL 5 DVD ISO. There is no CD install -- the PS3 only takes DVDs.
  2. Download the PS3 OtherOS installer from Sony (see Resources) and save it as otheros.self. This is the file that runs on the PS3 game operating system to install foreign bootloaders. NOTE: otheros.self is no longer needed if you are using PS3 firmware 1.60 or higher.
  3. Download the YDL bootloader from Terra Soft (again, see Resources) and save it as otheros.bld. This will be the bootloader that the Sony installer will install.
  4. Insert a USB flash drive into your computer.
  5. At the top level of your flash drive, create a directory called PS3. Immediately under the PS3 directory, create another directory called otheros.
  6. Copy the last two files you downloaded, otheros.self and otheros.bld, into the PS3/otheros directory you just created on your flash drive.

Now it is time to install.

Performing the installation

Perform the following steps on the PS3 to install Linux onto it:

  1. Remove the flash drive from your computer and insert it into the PS3.
  2. Go to Settings, then System Settings, and then choose Install Other OS.
  3. Confirm the location of the installer, and follow the screens for the installation process. Note that this only installs the bootloader, not the operating system.
  4. When the installer finishes, go to Settings, then System Settings, and select Default System. Then choose Other OS and press the X button.
  5. Insert the YDL 5 DVD.
  6. Plug in your USB keyboard and mouse.
  7. Now restart the system. You can either do this by holding down the PS button on the controller and then choosing Turn off the system, or by simply holding the power button down for five seconds. Then turn the system back on.
  8. When it boots back up, it will look like it is booting Linux. That's because the bootloader is actually a really stripped down Linux kernel called kboot.
  9. When it gets to the kboot: prompt, type install if your output is going through the HDMI port, or installtext if you are going analog. The remaining instructions assume you used the installtext option, but there is little difference.
  10. After media verification it may give a Traceback error in the blue area of the screen. Just ignore this and proceed through the installation screens.
  11. When it asks about partitioning, don't be concerned about it erasing the PS3 game operating system. The PS3's Other OS mode only allows the guest operating system to see its own portion of the drive. Even low-level utilities cannot see the other parts of the drive. So go ahead and let YDL erase all of the data on your drive, and then let it remove all of the partitions and create a default layout.
  12. When it gets to the package installation, it takes approximately one hour to install the packages. However, it does not install the whole DVD.
  13. When it reboots, if you are using analog output, you need to type in ydl480i at the kboot: boot prompt. Otherwise it will likely change the output to a resolution that the analog output isn't capable of.
  14. When it boots, it will bring up a setup tool. There is nothing you really need to do here. If you don't do anything, it will time out and finish the bootup process.

And there you have it! YDL 5 is now on your PS3!

Post-install setup

Unfortunately, the installation program doesn't take care of all of the details, especially for analog displays. You still have several steps to do if you want to do things like automatically boot at the proper resolution, configure the X Window System on an analog device, and install the Cell BE SDK. For all of these, go ahead and make sure your YDL 5 DVD is in the drive, and mount it like this:

mount /dev/dvd /mnt

All of the instructions will assume the install DVD is mounted in this way, and that you are logged in as root.

To get an analog system to boot into its proper resolution at startup, edit the file /etc/kboot.conf, and change the line which reads default=ydl to default=ydl480i and save the file.

If you want to configure the X Window System for your analog device, you need to install and run the Xautoconfig package like this:

rpm -i /mnt/YellowDog/RPMS/Xautoconfig-*

Now you can start the X Window System by running startx, though on an analog device your screen is pretty tiny. Here's a quick hint to help you get around on such a tiny device: holding down alt+left mouse button will allow you to drag screens around on your desktop, even if you can't see the title bar.

If you want your system to have a graphical login at system boot, you need to edit the /etc/inittab file. Change the line id:3:initdefault: so that it says id:5:initdefault: and save the file. Now when you reboot the system, you will have a nice graphical login. Remember after you reboot to mount the DVD as shown above for the remaining steps. Note that Nautilus actually mounts it in a different location, so if you use Nautilus to mount your DVD, it will be mounted on /media/CDROM rather than /mnt.

Now to install the Cell BE SDK V2.0. To see if it is already installed by the installer, simply do which spu-gcc. If it is unable to find the program, then the SDK was not installed. To install it, you need to do the following:

cd /mnt/YellowDog/RPMS
rpm -i spu-binutils-* spu-gcc-* spu-gdb-* spu-utils* libspe-devel-*

However, one important set of packages did not get included on the DVD -- the 64-bit version of libspe. However, that is easily remedied. Get the SRPM of libspe either from the source DVD or from the Web site (it is called libspe-1.1.0-1.src.rpm). Then go to the directory you downloaded it into and perform the following steps:

rpm -i libspe-*.src.rpm
cd /usr/src/yellowdog/SPECS
rpmbuild -bb --target ppc64 libspe.spec
cd ../RPMS/ppc64
rpm -i elfspe-* libspe-*

Now you're all set to go. YDL 5 is installed, configured, and ready to go!

Some of you might be wondering how to get back into the game operating system, for the off chance that you might want to play a game or two on your PS3. To do this, run boot-game-os from either the kboot: prompt or from the command line. If for some reason Linux is causing errors and won't load, you can load the game operating system by powering off the PS3, and then holding down the power button for five seconds (until you hear a beep) when powering it back on. Either of these methods will load the game operating system, but it will also set the default system to be the game operating system as well. So, to boot back into Linux, you'll have to go back into the settings and set it to boot the Other OS by default.

Back to top

Okay, I've got Linux installed. Now what?

Now that you have Linux and the Cell BE SDK fully installed, the rest of this series will be about programming and using it. However, for a teaser, see a short introductory program in C which utilizes both the PPE and an SPE below.

Before looking at how this works, take a look at some of the common tools used to build Cell BE programs:

  • gcc
    Our trusty compiler, built for generating PPC Linux binaries for the PPE. Use the -m64 switch to generate 64-bit executables.
  • spu-gcc
    This is also our trusty compiler, but this one generates code for the SPEs.
  • embedspu
    This is a special tool that converts SPE programs into an object file that can be linked into a PPE executable. It also creates a global variable that refers to the SPE program so that the PPE can load the program into the SPEs and run the program as needed. To embed into 64-bit PPC programs, use the -m64 flag.

Without the SPEs, the Cell BE processor is programmed essentially like any other PowerPC-based system. In fact, you can pretend that they don't exist and your code will work just fine. Doing this, however, will leave much of your computing power untapped. To take advantage of the SPEs, you will have to put in just a little more effort.

If you are new to Cell BE technology, remember that the PPE is the resource manager for the system. It handles operating system tasks, regulates access to memory, and controls the SPEs. The code for the PPE takes care of initializing the program, setting up one or more SPEs with tasks, and performing input and output. Of course, the PPE can also perform processing tasks as well, but generally the point is to offload all that is reasonable to the SPEs.

So, take a look at how a simple program is constructed to perform processing tasks on the SPE. The program will be very elementary -- it will calculate the distance travelled given a speed in miles-per-hour and a time in hours. Here is the code for the PPE (enter as ppe_distance.c):

Listing 1. Equation solver PPE code

//This global is for the SPE program code itself. It will be created by
//the embedspu program.
extern spe_program_handle_t calculate_distance_handle;

//This struct is used for input/output with the SPE task
typedef struct {
float speed; //input parameter
float num_hours; //input parameter
float distance; //output parameter
float padding; //pad the struct a multiple of 16 bytes
} program_data;

int main() {
program_data pd __attribute__((aligned(16))); //aligned for transfer

printf("Enter the speed at which your car is travelling in miles/hr: ");
scanf("%f", &pd.speed);
printf("Enter the number of hours you have been driving at that speed: ");
scanf("%f", &pd.num_hours);

//Create SPE Task
speid_t spe_id = spe_create_thread(0, &calculate_distance_handle, &pd, NULL,
-1, 0);
//Check For Errors
if(spe_id == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error creating SPE thread!\n");
return 1;
//Wait For Completion
spe_wait(spe_id, NULL, 0);

printf("The distance travelled is %f miles.\n", pd.distance);
return 0;

As mentioned before, the main job of the PPE in the Cell BE processor is to handle the input and output tasks. The only really interesting part is spe_create_thread. The first parameter is a thread group ID (zero indicates that it should create a new group for the thread), the second parameter is the handle to the SPE program, the third parameter is the pointer to the data you want to transfer, the fourth parameter is an optional environment pointer, the fifth parameter is a mask of which SPEs you are willing to run the program on (-1 indicates any available SPE), and the final parameter is a list of options you want to employ (in this case, you don't want any). The function returns the SPE task ID number, which you then use as a parameter to spe_wait. spe_wait returns when the SPE task terminates.

Here is the code for the SPE (enter as spe_distance.c):

Listing 2. SPE calculation example
//Pull in DMA commands

//Struct for communication with the PPE
typedef struct {
float speed; //input parameter
float num_hours; //input parameter
float distance; //output parameter
float padding; //pad the struct a multiple of 16 bytes
} program_data;

int main(unsigned long long spe_id, unsigned long long program_data_ea, unsigned
long long env) {
program_data pd __attribute__((aligned(16)));
int tag_id = 0;

//Initiate copy
mfc_get(&pd, program_data_ea, sizeof(pd), tag_id, 0, 0);
//Wait for completion

Future articles examine SPU programs more in depth, but here's a quick rundown of what is happening. The pointer passed as the third parameter to spe_create_thread comes in to this program as program_data_ea. EA stands for effective address, which is a main memory address as viewed from the main PPE program. Since the SPE does not have direct access to main memory, you cannot directly dereference this as a pointer. Instead, you must initiate a transfer request to copy data into your local store. Once it is in your local store, you can access the data through the local store address, sometimes abbreviated as LSA.

mfc_get initiates the transfer into the local store. Notice that in both the PPE and the SPE the struct was aligned to 16 bytes and padded to 16 bytes. We will deal with this more in a later article, but for the most part DMA transfers must be aligned to a 16-byte boundary and be sized as a multiple of 16 bytes. The tag_id allows for you to retrieve the status of the DMA operation. After the transfer, the next two functions cause the program to wait until the transfer is completed.

The main processing is trivially simple -- just multiplying the speed and the time. After the data is processed, mfc_put initiates a transfer back into main memory, and the next two functions cause you to wait for DMA completion. When all of that is done, the program exits.

Now you have to compile and run the program. That is actually pretty simple:

#Compile the SPE program
spu-gcc spe_distance.c -o spe_distance
#Embed the SPE program into an ELF object file, and expose it
#through the global variable: calculate_distance_handle
embedspu calculate_distance_handle spe_distance spe_distance_csf.o
#Compile the PPE program together with the SPE program
gcc ppe_distance.c spe_distance_csf.o -lspe -o distance
#Run the program

And there you have it! A fully working Cell BE program.


While you can't program the PS3 directly, its support for third-party operating systems allows you to install Linux on your PS3. Installing Linux on the PS3 takes a little bit of effort, but in the end you get a low-cost, fully working Cell Broadband Engine processor. Future articles in this series go in depth into programming the Cell BE and extracting every ounce of speed that you can from the SPEs.

Source : IBM


Programming high-performance applications on the Cell BE processor, Part 2: Program the synergistic processing elements of the Sony PLAYSTATION 3

Take even greater advantage of the synergistic processing elements (SPEs) of the Sony® PLAYSTATION® 3 (PS3) in this installment of Programming high-performance applications on the Cell BE processor. Part 1 showed how to install Linux® on the PS3 and explored a short example program. Part 2 looks in depth at the Cell Broadband Engine™ processor's SPEs and how they work at the lowest level.

The previous article in this series gave an overview of the Cell Broadband Engine (Cell BE) processor. (For other overviews, see Resources at the end of this article.) Part 2 begins an in-depth discussion of the Cell BE chip's SPEs. (For an in-depth discussion about programming the Power processing element (PPE), see the Assembly language for Power Architecture series on the developerWorks Linux zone.) Because the SPEs use such a different architecture, it's helpful to look at them in assembly language to get the full feel for what is happening. Later, I will show you how to program them in C, but assembly language gives a better view of the distinctiveness of the processor. Then, when moving to C, you will understand how different coding decisions might affect performance. This article focuses on the basic syntax and usage of SPE assembly language, and the ABI (the application binary interface, or the function calling conventions of the platform). The next two articles will explore communication between the SPE and the PPE and how to use the unique features of the SPE's assembly language to optimize your code.

As the previous article mentioned, the Cell BE chip consists of a PPE which has several SPEs. The PPE is responsible for running the operating system, resource management, and input/output. The SPEs are responsible for data processing tasks. The SPEs do not have direct access to main memory, but only a small (256K on the PS3) local store (LS) which is in an independent, 32-bit address space. An address within the local store's address space is called a local store address (LSA), while an address within the controlling process on the PPE is called an effective address (EA). The SPEs include an attached memory flow controller (MFC). The SPEs use the MFC to transfer data between the local store, main memory, and other SPEs.

The synergistic processing unit (SPU) is the part of the SPE which actually runs your code. The SPU has 128 general-purpose registers, each 128 bits wide. However, the point of the SPU is not to do operations on 128-bit values. Instead, the processor is a vector processor. This means that each register is divided into multiple, smaller values, and instructions operate on all of the values simultaneously. Normally, the registers are treated as four distinct 32-bit values (32 bits is considered the word size on the SPUs), though they can also be treated as sixteen 8-bit values (bytes), eight 16-bit values (halfwords), two 64-bit values (doublewords), or as a single 128-bit value (quadword). The code in this article is actually non-vector (also known as scalar) code, meaning that it only works with one value at a time. It will use some vector operations, but we will only be concerned with one value within each register -- the others we will simply ignore. Later articles in this series will deal with vector operations.

This article does not require that you be experienced with assembly language, though it would be helpful. Some features of the SPE will be compared and contrasted with the features of the PPE, but knowledge of the PPE is also not required. For a discussion of the features of the PPE which are based on the Power Architecture, see the Assembly language for Power Architecture series.

The build commands in this article assume that you have Yellow Dog Linux installed according to the instructions in Part 1. If you are using another distribution, some of the command names and flags may change. For example, if you are using the IBM System Simulator from the 1.2 SDK (IBM has released the 2.0 SDK, but the 1.2 SDK is what ships with YDL), then you should change all gcc references to ppu-gcc and all embedspu references to ppu-embedspu. Depending on where the libraries and header files are installed, additional flags might also need to be passed to find them.

A simple example program

To begin looking at SPU assembly language, I will enter in a simple program for calculating the factorial of a 32-bit number using a recursive algorithm. The recursive nature of the algorithm will help to illustrate the standard ABI.

For reference, here is the C code which would perform the same function:

Listing 1. C version of factorial program
int number = 4;
int main() {
printf("The factorial of %d is %d\n", number, factorial(number);

int factorial(int num) {
if(num == 0) {
return 1;
} else {
return num * factorial(num - 1);

Now I'll enter in the assembly language version of this program and then discuss what each line means. Don't be taken aback by the size of the code -- it's mostly comments and declarations (the factorial function itself only has 16 instructions). Enter the following as factorial.s.

Listing 2. First SPE program

#Alignment is _critical_ in SPU applications.
#This aligns to a 16-byte (128-bit) boundary
.align 4
#This is the number
.long 4

.align 4
.ascii "The factorial of %d is %d\n\0"

#Offset in the stack frame of the link register
.equ LR_OFFSET, 16
#Size of main's stack frame (back pointer + return address)
#Size of factorial's stack frame (back pointer + return address + local variable)
#Offset in the factorial's stack frame of the local "num" variable
.equ LCL_NUM_VALUE, 32


.global main
.type main,@function
stqd $lr, LR_OFFSET($sp)
stqd $sp, -MAIN_FRAME_SIZE($sp)
ai $sp, $sp, -MAIN_FRAME_SIZE

#Load number as the first parameter (relative addressing)
lqr $3, number

#Call factorial
brsl $lr, factorial

#Display Factorial
#Result is in register 3 - move it to register 5 (third parameter)
lr $5, $3
#Load output string into register 3 (first parameter)
ila $3, output
#Put original number in register 4 (second parameter)
lqr $4, number
#Call printf (this actually runs on the PPE)
brsl $lr, printf

#Load register 3 with a return value of 0
il $3, 0

ai $sp, $sp, MAIN_FRAME_SIZE
lqd $lr, LR_OFFSET($sp)
bi $lr

#Before we set up our stack frame,
#store link register in caller's frame
stqd $lr, LR_OFFSET($sp)
#Store back pointer before reserving the stack space
stqd $sp, -FACT_FRAME_SIZE($sp)
#Move stack pointer to reserve stack space
ai $sp, $sp, -FACT_FRAME_SIZE

#Save arg 1 in local variable space
stqd $3, LCL_NUM_VALUE($sp)
#Compare to 0, and store comparison in reg 4
ceqi $4, $3, 0
#Do we jump? (note that the "zero" we are comparing
#to is the result of the above comparison)
brnz $4, case_zero

#remove 1, and use it as the function argument
ai $3, $3, -1
#call factorial function (return value in reg 3)
brsl $lr, factorial
#Load in the value of the current number
lqd $5, LCL_NUM_VALUE($sp)
#multiply the last factorial answer with the current number
#store the answer in register 3 (the return value register)
mpyu $3, $3, $5

#Restore previous stack frame
ai $sp, $sp, FACT_FRAME_SIZE
#Restore link register
lqd $lr, LR_OFFSET($sp)
bi $lr

#Put 1 in reg 3 for the return value
il $3, 1
#Restore previous stack frame
ai $sp, $sp, FACT_FRAME_SIZE
bi $lr

To build the program, just use the C compiler:

spu-gcc -o factorial factorial.s

Now the Cell BE processor does not run SPE programs directly. It actually requires that the main code be written so that the PPE manages the resources. However, if Linux is given a program written for the SPE by itself and the elfspe package is properly installed, Linux will auto-create a minimal PPE process to manage the resources for the SPE and act as a supervisor for the SPE process. Therefore, if you have the elfspe package installed, you can run the SPE program normally:


If that doesn't work, be sure that the elfspe package is installed appropriately (see the previous article for instructions).

Now take a look at what each instruction and declaration does.

The program starts off with a typical .data declaration. In assembly language, the static data and global variables are separated out in memory from the code. You can switch back and forth between data and code sections, but when the program is assembled it will bring all of each section together into one unit. .data switches into the data section, while .text switches into the code section.

The data section holds the value we want to compute the factorial of in a space labeled number. Putting a string literal at the beginning of a line with a colon after it indicates that the address of the following declaration or instruction can be referred to throughout the program by that label. So, throughout the code, anywhere you see number, it will refer to the address of the next value. .long is a declaration which stores a value in a 32-bit space. In this case, we are storing the number 4.

Note, however, that before defining number, you align it using .align 4. The .align operation tells the assembler to align the next instruction or declaration at a certain boundary. .align 4 aligns the next memory location to a 16-byte (2^4) boundary. This is critical, as the SPU can only load exactly 16 bytes at a time, aligned to exactly a 16-byte boundary. If it is given an address to load from that is not at a 16-byte boundary, it simply zeroes out the last four bits of the address before loading it so that it will be an aligned load. Therefore, if your value is not properly aligned, it could be loaded anywhere within the register -- probably somewhere in the register that you don't expect. By aligning it to a 16-byte boundary, you know that it will load into the first four bytes of the register. After that is another alignment statement for the beginning of the string that gives your output. The .ascii declaration tells the assembler that what follows is an ASCII string, which is explicitly terminated with a \0.

After this, you define several constants for your stack frames. Remember that when a program makes a function call (especially for recursive ones), it has to store its return address and local variables on the stack. In C and other high-level languages, the language itself manages the run-time stack. In assembly language, this is handled explicitly by the programmer. The stack is set up for you by the operating system when the program starts. The stack starts at the high-numbered addresses of this region, and grows toward the low-numbered addresses as stack frames are added. You have to allocate space for each stack and move the appropriate values to that space. In this program you will have two stack frame sizes -- one for main and one for factorial. Each stack frame holds a pointer to the previous stack frame (called the back chain pointer), as well as a space for return addresses for when it calls other functions. While each of these is only a word size (4-byte) value, they are each aligned to 16 bytes for easy loading and storing (remember, the SPUs only load from 16-byte-aligned addresses). The remaining space is used for saving registers and storing local variables. main's stack will be the minimum of 32 bytes, while factorial's will be 48, because factorial has a local variable to store. To name these quantities within the program and make the code more readable, we give these values symbols through the .equ operation. This tells the assembler to equate the given symbol with the given value. The stack frame sizes are assigned to the symbols MAIN_FRAME_SIZE and FACT_FRAME_SIZE, respectively. LR_OFFSET is the offset into the stack frame of the return address. LCL_NUM_VALUE is the stack offset of the local variable num. These will all be used to make access to stack frame offsets much clearer in the main body of code.

In the code section, you define a function's address the same way you defined addresses for global variables above -- just put their name followed by a colon. This indicates that the function's address will be the address of the next instruction. You use .type to tell the linker that this value should be used as a function, and you use .global to tell the linker that this symbol can be referenced outside of the current file when linking. main must be declared global, because it is used as the entry point to the program. Next, I'll go into the actual assembly instructions themselves.

I will discuss what the prologue does when we examine the factorial function. For right now, just know that it sets up the stack frame.

The first actual instruction you hit is lqr $3, number. This stands for "load quadword relative." The "quadword" part is a bit redundant, as only quadword loads and stores are allowed on the SPU. This loads the value in the address number (encoded as a relative address from the current instruction) into register 3. Unlike PPE assembly language, in SPE assembly language registers are always prefixed with a dollar sign. This makes it much easier to spot registers in the code. Since all registers on the SPU are 16-bytes long, this will load a full 16-byte quadword into the register, even though you are only really concerned with the first 4 bytes of it.

What you want to do with this value in register 3 is to calculate the factorial of it. Therefore, you need to pass it as the first (and only) parameter to the factorial function. THE SPU ABI, like the PPU ABI, uses registers to pass values to functions. Register 3 should hold the first parameter, register 4 should hold the second one, and so on. Therefore, the value you loaded into register 3 is already in the perfect spot for the function. Although registers can hold multiple values (in this case, four 32-bit values), when passing parameters to a function, each parameter value is passed in its own register.

This brings up the question, what are registers used for? If you've never programmed assembly language before, registers are the temporary storage that processors use for computing values. Since the SPU has 128 registers, it can keep a lot of temporary and intermediate values around without having to load and store back into memory like other architectures. This makes for both easier programming and faster execution. While the SPU makes no distinction in how registers are used, the ABI standard does. Here is a table of how the ABI uses each register within the SPU:

Register usage in the SPU ABI

Register RangeTypePurpose
0DedicatedLink Register
1DedicatedStack Pointer
2VolatileEnvironment Pointer (for languages that need one)
3-79VolatileFunction arguments, return values, and general usage.
80-127Non-volatileUsed for local variables. Must be preserved across function calls.

I will get to the link register shortly, but basically it is used for temporary storage of return addresses. The stack pointer tells you where the end of your current stack frame is. The environment pointer is not used in most languages. All of the registers marked volatile can be freely changed within a function. However, that means that when a function makes a function call, it should expect that all of the values in volatile registers will be overwritten. All of the registers marked non-volatile must have their previous value saved before use and restored before returning from a function call. This allows you to have a set of registers which can be counted on to be preserved across function calls. However, they take more work to use, since your code must save and restore their previous values. The return value comes back in register 3.

Since you want the factorial of the number 4, it goes into register 3, the register used for the first parameter. You then branch to the function using brsl $lr, factorial. brsl stands for "branch relative and set link." This branches to the function entry point and sets the link register (LR) to the next instruction for the return address. Note that when you do brsl, you specify $lr for the register. This is an alias for $0. Notice also that you have to specify the link register explicitly. The SPU has no special registers. The link register is only special by convention -- the SPU assembly language allows you to set the link in any register you choose. However, for most purposes, this will be $lr.

After computing the factorial, you now want to print it out using printf. The first parameter to printf is the address of an output string. Therefore, you first need to move the result from register 3 to register 5 (register 4 will hold the original number). Then you need to move the address output into register 3. ila is a special load instruction that loads static addresses, in this case loading the address of the output string into register 3. It loads 18-bit unsigned values, which is the perfect size for local store addresses on the PS3. Finally, the original number is loaded into register 4. The printf function is called using brsl $lr, printf. Please note, however, that printf is not executed on the SPE because the SPE is incapable of input and output. This actually goes to a stub function which stops the SPE processor, signals the PPE, and the PPE actually performs the function call. After that, control is returned to the SPE.

The epilogue will be discussed in the analysis of the factorial code, but it basically just takes down the stack frame and returns to the previous function.

Before moving into a discussion of the factorial function, look at the layout of a stack frame more closely. Here is how the stack is supposed to be laid out according to the ABI:

ContainsSizeBeginning Stack Offset
Register Save AreaVaries (multiple of 16 bytes)Varies
Local Variable SpaceVaries (multiple of 16 bytes)Varies
Parameter ListVaries (multiple of 16 bytes)32($sp)
Link Register Save Area16 bytes16($sp)
Back Chain Pointer16 bytes0($sp)

The back chain pointer points to the back chain pointer of the previous stack frame. The link register save area holds the link register contents of the function being called, rather than for the current function. The parameter list is for parameters that this function sends to other function calls, not for its own parameters. However, unlike the PPE, this is only used if the number of parameters is greater than the number of registers available for parameters (not a very likely scenario). The local variable space is used as a general storage area for the function, and the register save area is used to save the values of non-volatile registers that the function uses.

So, in this function, we are using the back chain pointer, the link register save area, and one local variable. That gives a frame size of 16 * 3 = 48 bytes. As I mentioned earlier, LR_OFFSET is the offset from the end of the stack to the link register save area. LCL_NUM_VALUE is the offset from the end of the stack to the local variable num.

The prologue sets up the stack frame for the function. In the prologue, the first thing you do is save the link register. Since you have not yet defined your own stack frame, the offset is from the end of the calling function's stack frame. Remember that the link register is stored in the calling function's stack frame, not the function's own stack frame. Therefore, it makes most sense to save it before reserving the stack space. This is done using what is called a D-Form store (D-Form is an instruction format). Find an overview of common PPU instruction formats in Assembly language for Power Architecture, Part 2 (the SPU formats follow the PPU formats fairly closely). The code for the store instruction is stqd $lr, LR_OFFSET($sp). stqd stands for "store quadword D-Form." D-Form instructions take a register as the first operand, which is the register to be stored or loaded into, and a combination of a constant and a register as the second operand. The constant gets added to the register to compute the address to use for loading or storing. The other popular formats are the X-Form, which takes two registers which are added together, or the A-Form, which can hold a constant or a constant relative offset address. So in this instruction, $sp is the stack pointer (it's an alias for $1). The expression LR_OFFSET($sp) calculates the value of LR_OFFSET plus $sp and uses it as the destination address. So this instruction stores the link register (which holds the return address) into the proper location in the calling function's stack frame.

Next, the current stack frame pointer is stored as the back pointer for the next stack frame, even though you haven't established the stack frame yet (this is done through negative offsets). The SPU does not have an atomic store/update instruction like the PPU, so to make sure that the back pointers are always consistent, you must always store the back pointer before moving the stack pointer. Finally, the stack pointer is moved to reserve all the needed stack space using the instruction ai $sp, $sp, -FRAME_SIZE. ai stands for "add immediate," and it adds an immediate-mode value to a register and stores it back into a register. It adds together the register in the second operand with the constant in the third operand, and stores the result in the register specified in the first operand. Most instructions follow a similar format, with the register that holds the result specified in the first operand.

Note that the "add immediate" instruction is a vector operation. Remember that the SPU registers are 128 bits wide, but our value is only 32 bits long. The register is treated logically as multiple values, which are operated on all at once. The "add immediate" instruction actually treats the register as four separate 32-bit values, each of which have -FRAME_SIZE added to them, and then they are all stored back into the destination register. The preferred value size on the SPU is a 32-bit word, but others are supported, including bytes, halfwords, and doublewords. If the size of the operand is not specified in the instruction, that means either that the size doesn't matter (as in logical instructions, for instance) or that it is using a 32-bit value size. Bytes are indicated by including the letter b in the instruction, halfwords have an h, and doublewords have a d, though doublewords are usually only used in floating-point instructions (most often a d in an instruction refers to the D-Form of addressing, not a doubleword). But in this case we only care about the first word of the register. The other values simply do not matter in the ABI.

Next, you copy the first parameter to a local variable with stqd $3, LCL_NUM_VALUE($sp). You need to do this because your parameter will get clobbered on the recursive function call, and you will need access to it afterwards.

Next, do an immediate-mode compare of register 3 with the number 0 and store the result in register 4 with ceqi $4, $3, 0. Note that with the PPU (and most processors for that matter), there is a special-purpose register to hold condition results. However, with the SPU, the results are stored in a general-purpose register -- register 4 in this case. Remember, this is a vector processor. So you are not actually comparing register 3 with the number 0. Instead, you are comparing each word of register 3 with the number 0. So you actually have four answers, even though you only care about one of them. The result is stored in the following way: if the condition for the word is true, then all of the bits on the destination word will be set; if the condition for the word is false, then all of the bits on the destination word will be unset. So for this instruction there will be four results, with each one being either all ones or all zeroes, depending on the results of the comparison.

The next instruction is brnz $4, case_zero. brnz stands for "branch relative if not zero." Remember, register 4 is the result of the previous comparison, so this is checking the previous compare result for zero or not-zero. The result register will be non-zero (or, true, all bits set to one) if the previous test for zero was true. Note that the previous two instructions could have been conflated into one instruction (brz $3, case_zero) since you were just testing for zero, but I separated them out into two instructions so that you can better see how compares and branches work in the general case.

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What happens if some of the comparisons have a result of true and others false? Since you are dealing with four 32-bit values rather than one 128-bit value, you could have different results for the different values. So if the results are different, do you branch or not? It turns out that several SPU instructions deal with only one of the register's values. In these cases, the value that is used is the one in the register's preferred slot. For 64-bit values it is the first half of the register; for 32-bit values the preferred slot is the first word of the register; for 16-bit values the preferred slot is the second halfword of the register; and for 8-bit values the preferred slot is the fourth byte of the register. Basically, the first word is the preferred word, and then the other alignments are on the least-significant byte or halfword of that word. When doing conditional branching, passing values to functions, returning a value from a function, and several other scenarios, the value in the preferred slot is the one that matters. In this case, you are to assume that the value passed in the function is in the register's preferred slot. And, if you look at the alignment of number in the .data section, you can see that this will be loaded into the preferred slot. Therefore, the branch will occur appropriately, as long as the value is in the preferred slot of the register.

Now assume that the number you are working with in register 3 is not zero. This means that you need to do a recursive step. The recursive C code is return num * factorial(num - 1). The innermost computation requires decrementing num and passing it as a parameter to the next invocation of factorial. num is already in register 3, so you just need to decrement it. So, do an immediate-mode add like this: ai $3, $3, -1. Now, invoke the next factorial. To call a function according to the SPU ABI, all you need to do is put the parameters into registers, and then call brsl $lr, function_name. In this case, the first and only parameter is already loaded into register 3. So, you issue a brsl $lr, factorial. As I mentioned before, brsl stands for "branch relative set link." The destination address is encoded as a relative address, the return address will be stored in the preferred slot of the specified register, and control will go to the destination address, which in this case is back to the beginning of the factorial function.

When control comes back to this point, the factorial result should be in register 3. Now you want to multiply this result by the current value under consideration. Therefore, you have to load it back in because it was clobbered in the function call. lqd stands for "load quadword D-Form." The first operand is the destination register and the second is the D-Form address to load. So lqd $5, LCL_NUM_VALUE($sp) will read the value that you saved on the stack earlier into register 5.

Now you need to multiply register 3 and register 5. This is done with the mpyu instruction (multiply unsigned). mpyu$3, $3, $5 multiplies register 3 with register 5 and stores the result in the first register listed, register 3. Now, the integer multiply instructions on the SPU are somewhat problematic, especially signed multiplication (using the mpy instruction). The problem is that the result of a multiply instruction can be twice as long as its operands. The result of multiplying two 32-bit values is actually a 64-bit value! If it did this, then the destination register would have to be twice as large as the source register. To combat the problem, multiplication instructions only use the least-significant 16 bits of every 32-bit value so that the result will fit in the full 32-bit register. So, while the multiply treats the source registers as 32 bits wide, it only uses 16 bits of them. So, your value may be truncated if it is longer than 32 bits. And, if it is a signed multiply, the sign could even change on truncation! Therefore, to execute multiply instructions successfully, the source values need to be 16 bits wide, but stored in a 32-bit register (it doesn't matter for the multiplication if it is sign-extended to the rest of the 32 bits). This limits greatly the possible range of your factorial function. Note that floating-point multiplication doesn't have these issues.

So now you have the result, and it is in register 3, which is where it needs to be for the return value. All that is left to do is to restore the previous stack frame and return. So you simply need to move the stack pointer by adding the stack frame size to the stack pointer using ai $sp, $sp, FRAME_SIZE. Then restore the link register using lqd $lr, LR_OFFSET($sp). Finally, bi $lr ("branch indirect") branches to the address specified in the link register (the return address), thus returning from the function.

The base case (what to do if the function's parameter is zero) is much easier. The result of factorial(0) is 1, so you simply load the number one into register 3 using il $3, 1. Then you restore the stack frame and return. However, since the base case doesn't call any other functions, you don't need to load the link register from the stack frame -- the value is still there.

And that's how the function works! Just note that writing deeply recursive functions on the SPE is problematic because there is no stack overflow protection on the SPE, and the local store is small to begin with.


This article covered some of the main concepts of assembly language programming on the Cell BE processor of the PLAYSTATION 3 under Linux. Next time, I will examine the primary modes of communication between the SPE and the PPE.

Source : IBM